Monday, August 4, 2008

So I've decided to start my own blog......

Here I am starting my own blog even though I know full well I have very little to say that is original. There are so many truly amazing bloggers and websites I enjoy..... but every once in awhile I want to see my own work in print, or maybe I need to vent or rant a bit. What ever did we amateur journalists do before the Internet? So I think to start this off right I will post a poem I wrote back in June, that fits right in with life at the beach on the central coast of Washington State.

Little Sand Castles

Summer weekends at the beach
Children play along the strand
Safe and loved and full of life
They build castles in the sand

One small child begins to play
Contented there but all alone
Another joins with cries of joy
And on it goes as castles form

Moats and walls of every size
Towers soar to their design
Something magic happens here
Special castles from their mind

Children’s castles dot the shore
Each unique in their own way
Made with pleasure in the sand
Meant to linger here and stay

Parents call the children in
Abandoned castles left alone
To sink and fall within the tide
Rolling in to claim its home

Summer shores are quiet now
Castles there were never safe
Like treasure lost into the sand
Memories now beneath the waves.

Oh, and just in case anyone got the wrong impression, I am not all sweetness and light and poetry and such. On Mondays and Fridays I can be found standing with my "Fund the Wounded, Not the War" sign at a couple of well traveled locations, along with my wonderful like-minded friends and fellow activists. Hey there America, let's all pitch in to help stop the Iraq war and occupation NOW!

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