Friday, November 7, 2008

OK, We have a President Elect......

Breathe, assemble thoughts, begin writing again....... I had no idea of the emotions and the energy draining fear that would consume me on election night. Thank God for Lisa, Kirsten and the others who sustained me and kept me somewhat focused throughout the evening. Avoided a meltdown, I did. Happiness, relief, pride; our system worked this time. I hope Tomas was able to be in that Chicago crowd... please keep getting better, Tomas. I was thinking of you as PA and OH went blue.

Now, back to reality. The Iraq war will not stop itself. Powerful men still hold the strings, even control our new new administration. A bucket of cold water hit me when the first appointment was of an Isreali Lobby middle-east war hawk... Rahm Emanual. Ok, I understand, debts need to be paid, no one gets elected in this country without incurring debts. "Feet to the fire", Barack. We will hold you to your promises to us. The lives of our military personnel depend on keeping our promises to them. No free lunch, I am not a party hack - I see the darkness and the light and I do not forget my obligations.

Writing.... I just about ran out of poems to post on Gotpoetry! I did not realize all my energies were being absorbed by worry and writing long emails to my good friends in Australia and England. Perhaps I should just post the emails. Naw, I'd better get to work. Meanwhile, I did write one topical piece I just posted on GP. I do believe I'll post it here, too.

Come Together

I want to know why we can’t all come together.
Just as Americans, why don’t we just get over
the red versus blue, now that the election’s done.
Get on with it; we have problems to overcome.
And one more thing I’d like to see….

No more mention of the “Black President” thing.
Sure, it was interesting…..but it’s all over now.
I’m not going to want to listen to that forever.
Just get over it and move on.
He’s Our President….. please let him do his job.

People are wondering about us around the world,
we looked like we’re still fighting the civil war.
I don’t blame them, I saw those TV maps before.
What would you think if you lived in Timbuktu?
Yeah, that’s what I thought; and I’m just like you.

I want to know why we can’t all come together.
The Beatles wrote the song a long time ago, brother.

Today is Friday. I must get my sign ready for the vigil in Aberdeen in heavy rain. Boy, that sign has been though a lot and still looks pretty good. Elma, WA on the 11th, Veteran's Day... the parade..... with Veterans for Peace, Fred, Mary and maybe Janice. Maybe my IVAW brothers will come too.

Thanks to everyone who sustained me and put up with my rollercoaster moods these past months. Whew, breathe.

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