Monday, October 13, 2008

Catching up...............

So I've been around the country a mile or two since I last posted here. Intentionally, I left up the post regarding my friend Tomas Young, as I traveled to Minneapolis for the Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War conventions. By all rights, he should have been there, too. It was a wonderful experience, meeting so many amazing patriots dedicated to the basic task: get our troops out of Iraq, they do not belong there risking life and limb for oil.

I was able to visit Tomas in Chicago at the Rehab Institute, to talk with him and show support. His spirit, courage and sense of humor are intact, his progress amazing. He will be back out there with us in the fight, no denying that. Tomas Young is the most courageous and focused individual I have ever known. My thanks to Tomas, his mom Cathy and Erik Lobo for welcoming me.

Back home, back to working the corner of Wishkah and "F" in Aberdeen every Friday afternoon with the lovely ladies of "Grays Harbor Grannies".... a total pleasure! We notice so much increased support from the passers by as the realities of the failed Bush Administration hit close to home. Almost election time, time for a change for sure. Trickle Down has never worked, apparently good things only trickle up in conservative economics.

Election day looms...... a very big deal! Our future is at stake. Will America set a new course, return to the values we expect? Or will the lies and inequities espoused by the conservatives continue to whittle away at our democracy? It's up to us to make sure this election isn't stolen by the powerful few who twist and turn the truth to their advantage. Stand up, America, poke 'um in the eye, elect the man who speaks the truth......Barack Obama, our next President.

On a local note, we in Ocean Shores are again faced with defending the beautiful Weatherwax rain foret property from greedy developers. I leave you with these thoughts:


Beautiful and serene
So wonderful and green
Like heaven in the spring
Piece of nature always new
Rainforest here for all to view
Place of refuge for wildlife too
It must be saved for me and you
Not be developed just for the few
Please see the beauty for yourself
I know you will agree it’s selfish
For some to want to break it up
Cart off our forest in a truck
Scare all the birds and such
There’s land a plenty here
For developer’s so dear
So, save our treasure
Weatherwax is here
To live forever.

Another local battle against greed, trying to save an
ancient rain forest within the City of Ocean Shores, WA.
My poem was published in the North Coast News on 8-20-08
Peace, brothers and sisters, Mary Ann

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