My fellow member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Robin Long, is in prison…he was treated differently than any other war resister who has been prosecuted for not deploying to Iraq. Many patriotic people stood up for Robin and testified at his trial, they made their case that the Iraq war is illegal under our constitution and that Robin had every right as a conscientious objector to say no to his orders. But the judge in his court martial took the opportunity of his trial to try and send a very harsh message to other soldiers. Robin received a fifteen month prison sentence and a bad conduct discharge.
Disparity? Yes, others were either not prosecuted at all or received six month or less prison time for exactly the same charged offense. Robin has been treated unfairly by the military judicial system. I truly believe Robin is a United States Political Prisoner. I wrote this piece for Robin. I hope everyone will sign the petition, lets send Robin back home to his family…. the sooner the better.
Political Prisoner
It always breaks my heart to hear his name
Robin Long, an example he was made
to frighten conscientious objectors
into keeping quiet and staying in the game.
Robin was always up front about his status
he refused his orders to wage war in Iraq
he told the truth to his superiors
then Robin and his family moved to Canada.
The Canadian government didn’t see the fact
that Robin objected to war itself as relevant
the Canadian people supported Robin
their government in its wisdom threw him out.
So Robin was arrested at the Peace Arch gate
tried and then convicted by an Army court
in Colorado they threw the book at him
fifteen months in prison for opposition to hate.
US political prisoner Robin Long is my hero
this solitary man, in prison for saying no
to a war of greed for oil and souls
we can all make this right, help Robin go home.
“Free Robin Long, US Political Prisoner”
Please sign the petition: “Free Robin Long”
Thanks for your support of IVAW member Robin Long.
Peace, Mary Ann
Published in “Members Speak” at www.ivaw.org 11/10/08
Published on http://www.gotpoetry.com/ 11/12/08
1 comment:
signed... bless you mary ann
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