Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A New Year In The Holy Land.....

Will nothing ever change?

Please read this beautiful poem written by Daniel Patrick Welch in 2007. Ask yourself, how can we stand idly by and watch the destruction of the Palestinian people by the army of Isreal?

O Bethlehem - A Christmas Carol for the 21st Century

by Daniel Patrick Welch

O Bethlehem O Bethlehem
The stars look down on thee
As Nazareth reaps grief and death
From mountain, plain and sea
O Bethlehem a world bedecked
In season's peace and joy
Will still sit by as children die
And walls your heart destroy

O Bethlehem O Bethlehem
The prophets surely frown
A land in pain, a land in chains
As Abraham looks down
O Bethlehem your children sleep
In fear of tanks and guns
Do Moses, Christ, Mohammed weep
As we betray their sons?

O Bethlehem we seek that day
When Christmas bells ring true
When liberty and dignity
Belong at last to you
Can Bethlehem forgive a world
So callous and profane
And bring to pass a world at last
Where peace and justice reign?

© 2007 Daniel Patrick Welch. Reprint permission granted with credit and link to http://danielpwelch.com

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