Will nothing ever change?
Please read this beautiful poem written by Daniel Patrick Welch in 2007. Ask yourself, how can we stand idly by and watch the destruction of the Palestinian people by the army of Isreal?
O Bethlehem - A Christmas Carol for the 21st Century
by Daniel Patrick Welch
O Bethlehem O Bethlehem
The stars look down on thee
As Nazareth reaps grief and death
From mountain, plain and sea
O Bethlehem a world bedecked
In season's peace and joy
Will still sit by as children die
And walls your heart destroy
O Bethlehem O Bethlehem
The prophets surely frown
A land in pain, a land in chains
As Abraham looks down
O Bethlehem your children sleep
In fear of tanks and guns
Do Moses, Christ, Mohammed weep
As we betray their sons?
O Bethlehem we seek that day
When Christmas bells ring true
When liberty and dignity
Belong at last to you
Can Bethlehem forgive a world
So callous and profane
And bring to pass a world at last
Where peace and justice reign?
© 2007 Daniel Patrick Welch. Reprint permission granted with credit and link to http://danielpwelch.com
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
A Christmas Poem From a Friend.....
Bah! Humbug
By Mark Legge
Ebenezer Schrooge.
The Avaricious Archtype
Subconscious Prophet to countless souls Devoid of Charity.
Overwhelmed with their pregnant pangs of self indulgency.
Can I ask? What does Christmas mean to you?
Is it not a time for reflection?
Not only of those images that touch and stir the soul,
but contemplation of that which resides within.
Is it not a time to give something of ourselves to those less fortunate?
A time for the spreading of Goodwill, Peace and Harmony.
This Christmas,
as you teeter on the threshold of further festive forage
will you falter?
Will you take a solitary moment to suppress those soaring surges of glee and
spare a thought.
Spare a thought for the sick, the frail and the ailing,
will you lend yourself to each of these that shall not survive this day.
Spare a thought for the cowering defenseless child
who's feeble outstreached quivering hands will fail to stem the savage blows.
Spare a thought for the feral child, forsaken by fate, eking an existence midst the putrefying
piles of human decay.
Will you spare a thought? Will you?
Will you gaze into the imploring eyes of those swolen infants,
too weak to suckle the soothing substance that has long since run dry.
For their desperation dwindles
as does crave for merest grain.
Spare a thought for the lonely, the isolated, the brokenhearted,
for they yearn the faintest semblance of all those yesterdays.
The subdued
the subjected
the ravaged
The maimed
the molested
the tortured
the self inflicting
the plagued
or for those who've simply lost their way
or just can not take any more.
This Christmas
Will you give something of yourself to those that are in need?
Or will yours be
"Bah! Humbug"
Mark Legge is a poet from Lichfield, England. More of Mark's poems can be found on http://www.gotpoetry.com/. (under his poet name "leggolas")
Merry Christmas to all, and may we have Peace on Earth. Mary Ann
Friday, November 28, 2008
I V A W's Matthis Chiroux, Iraq war resister....

“As an Army journalist whose job it was to collect and filter service members’ stories, I heard many stomach-churning testimonies of the horrors and crimes taking place in Iraq. For fear of retaliation from the military, I failed to report these crimes, but never again will I allow fear to silence me. “Never again will I fail to stand. … This occupation is unconstitutional and illegal, and I hereby lawfully refuse to participate, as I will surely be a party to war crimes. …”
According to Department of Defense policy, the Army can recall soldiers for up to four years after their active-duty service. If Matthis refuses to report to duty in June, Nathan Banks, spokesman for the Pentagon, said Matthis could be listed as absent without official leave (AWOL) and could possibly face arrest.
His father, Rob Chiroux, said he is worried about his son’s future if he doesn’t return to the Army. He realizes his son could stand to lose everything he has gained in his military career: college funding, veteran health benefits — even his honorable discharge status. Rob Chiroux was quick to add, however, that no matter what his son decides on June 15 — to serve again or to fight reactivation into the Army — he stands firmly behind his son’s decision. “I support my son 100 percent,” Rob Chiroux said. “I would support him if he chose to go back to Iraq, and I’d worry about him every day.”
Following his announcement, Matthis Chiroux said he felt at peace. “I don’t fear any prosecution,” Matthis Chiroux said. “There may be repercussions, and I’m ready to face them.”
Matthis enlisted in the Army days after graduating from high school. During his five-year enlistment, Matthis served as a journalist in the Army, with tours in Germany, Japan, Afghanistan and the Philippines. While serving in Afghanistan and Palawan, Philippines, Matthis experienced hostile environments fighting against Islamic insurgents.
After receiving the Army’s orders to deploy to Iraq, Matthis was depressed, confining himself inside his New York apartment, he said. He reflected on his values and his views of the Iraq War. “There was just no way I could carry a weapon, go to Iraq and not be part of the problem,” Matthis said by telephone Thursday, referring to the Iraq War, which, he said, he has opposed from the start.
Rob Chiroux, a Navy veteran and self-described conservative who voted for George W. Bush twice, said he is having second thoughts about the Iraq War. “He feels strongly that this is wrong, and I feel strongly that this is wrong,” Rob Chiroux said, regarding the Army’s orders to have his son return to active duty.
Taking a stand against issues was something Rob Chiroux and his son often talked about when Matthis was growing up, especially when the topic turned to politics. Rob Chiroux would sometimes tell his son, “If you want to change the system, you’re going to have to take a stand.”
____ ____ ____
I met Matthis Chiroux in Minneapolis during the VFP/IVAW convention. He is a thoughtful, intelligent and courageous young man who deserves our support. Matthis has worked tirelessly for the principles we in IVAW stand for: US troops out of Iraq, reparations for the Iraqi people, medical care for returning troops, including mental health care for PTSD, so desperately needed by over 300,000 service members. Please keep Matthis in your hearts and prayers. Mary Ann
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Free Robin Long, US Political Prisoner.....

My fellow member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Robin Long, is in prison…he was treated differently than any other war resister who has been prosecuted for not deploying to Iraq. Many patriotic people stood up for Robin and testified at his trial, they made their case that the Iraq war is illegal under our constitution and that Robin had every right as a conscientious objector to say no to his orders. But the judge in his court martial took the opportunity of his trial to try and send a very harsh message to other soldiers. Robin received a fifteen month prison sentence and a bad conduct discharge.
Disparity? Yes, others were either not prosecuted at all or received six month or less prison time for exactly the same charged offense. Robin has been treated unfairly by the military judicial system. I truly believe Robin is a United States Political Prisoner. I wrote this piece for Robin. I hope everyone will sign the petition, lets send Robin back home to his family…. the sooner the better.
Political Prisoner
It always breaks my heart to hear his name
Robin Long, an example he was made
to frighten conscientious objectors
into keeping quiet and staying in the game.
Robin was always up front about his status
he refused his orders to wage war in Iraq
he told the truth to his superiors
then Robin and his family moved to Canada.
The Canadian government didn’t see the fact
that Robin objected to war itself as relevant
the Canadian people supported Robin
their government in its wisdom threw him out.
So Robin was arrested at the Peace Arch gate
tried and then convicted by an Army court
in Colorado they threw the book at him
fifteen months in prison for opposition to hate.
US political prisoner Robin Long is my hero
this solitary man, in prison for saying no
to a war of greed for oil and souls
we can all make this right, help Robin go home.
“Free Robin Long, US Political Prisoner”
Please sign the petition: “Free Robin Long”
Thanks for your support of IVAW member Robin Long.
Peace, Mary Ann
Published in “Members Speak” at www.ivaw.org 11/10/08
Published on http://www.gotpoetry.com/ 11/12/08
Friday, November 7, 2008
OK, We have a President Elect......
Breathe, assemble thoughts, begin writing again....... I had no idea of the emotions and the energy draining fear that would consume me on election night. Thank God for Lisa, Kirsten and the others who sustained me and kept me somewhat focused throughout the evening. Avoided a meltdown, I did. Happiness, relief, pride; our system worked this time. I hope Tomas was able to be in that Chicago crowd... please keep getting better, Tomas. I was thinking of you as PA and OH went blue.
Now, back to reality. The Iraq war will not stop itself. Powerful men still hold the strings, even control our new new administration. A bucket of cold water hit me when the first appointment was of an Isreali Lobby middle-east war hawk... Rahm Emanual. Ok, I understand, debts need to be paid, no one gets elected in this country without incurring debts. "Feet to the fire", Barack. We will hold you to your promises to us. The lives of our military personnel depend on keeping our promises to them. No free lunch, I am not a party hack - I see the darkness and the light and I do not forget my obligations.
Writing.... I just about ran out of poems to post on Gotpoetry! I did not realize all my energies were being absorbed by worry and writing long emails to my good friends in Australia and England. Perhaps I should just post the emails. Naw, I'd better get to work. Meanwhile, I did write one topical piece I just posted on GP. I do believe I'll post it here, too.
Come Together
I want to know why we can’t all come together.
Just as Americans, why don’t we just get over
the red versus blue, now that the election’s done.
Get on with it; we have problems to overcome.
And one more thing I’d like to see….
No more mention of the “Black President” thing.
Sure, it was interesting…..but it’s all over now.
I’m not going to want to listen to that forever.
Just get over it and move on.
He’s Our President….. please let him do his job.
People are wondering about us around the world,
we looked like we’re still fighting the civil war.
I don’t blame them, I saw those TV maps before.
What would you think if you lived in Timbuktu?
Yeah, that’s what I thought; and I’m just like you.
I want to know why we can’t all come together.
The Beatles wrote the song a long time ago, brother.
Today is Friday. I must get my sign ready for the vigil in Aberdeen in heavy rain. Boy, that sign has been though a lot and still looks pretty good. Elma, WA on the 11th, Veteran's Day... the parade..... with Veterans for Peace, Fred, Mary and maybe Janice. Maybe my IVAW brothers will come too.
Thanks to everyone who sustained me and put up with my rollercoaster moods these past months. Whew, breathe.
Now, back to reality. The Iraq war will not stop itself. Powerful men still hold the strings, even control our new new administration. A bucket of cold water hit me when the first appointment was of an Isreali Lobby middle-east war hawk... Rahm Emanual. Ok, I understand, debts need to be paid, no one gets elected in this country without incurring debts. "Feet to the fire", Barack. We will hold you to your promises to us. The lives of our military personnel depend on keeping our promises to them. No free lunch, I am not a party hack - I see the darkness and the light and I do not forget my obligations.
Writing.... I just about ran out of poems to post on Gotpoetry! I did not realize all my energies were being absorbed by worry and writing long emails to my good friends in Australia and England. Perhaps I should just post the emails. Naw, I'd better get to work. Meanwhile, I did write one topical piece I just posted on GP. I do believe I'll post it here, too.
Come Together
I want to know why we can’t all come together.
Just as Americans, why don’t we just get over
the red versus blue, now that the election’s done.
Get on with it; we have problems to overcome.
And one more thing I’d like to see….
No more mention of the “Black President” thing.
Sure, it was interesting…..but it’s all over now.
I’m not going to want to listen to that forever.
Just get over it and move on.
He’s Our President….. please let him do his job.
People are wondering about us around the world,
we looked like we’re still fighting the civil war.
I don’t blame them, I saw those TV maps before.
What would you think if you lived in Timbuktu?
Yeah, that’s what I thought; and I’m just like you.
I want to know why we can’t all come together.
The Beatles wrote the song a long time ago, brother.
Today is Friday. I must get my sign ready for the vigil in Aberdeen in heavy rain. Boy, that sign has been though a lot and still looks pretty good. Elma, WA on the 11th, Veteran's Day... the parade..... with Veterans for Peace, Fred, Mary and maybe Janice. Maybe my IVAW brothers will come too.
Thanks to everyone who sustained me and put up with my rollercoaster moods these past months. Whew, breathe.
Iraq War,
President-elect Obama,
Monday, October 13, 2008
Catching up...............
So I've been around the country a mile or two since I last posted here. Intentionally, I left up the post regarding my friend Tomas Young, as I traveled to Minneapolis for the Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War conventions. By all rights, he should have been there, too. It was a wonderful experience, meeting so many amazing patriots dedicated to the basic task: get our troops out of Iraq, they do not belong there risking life and limb for oil.
I was able to visit Tomas in Chicago at the Rehab Institute, to talk with him and show support. His spirit, courage and sense of humor are intact, his progress amazing. He will be back out there with us in the fight, no denying that. Tomas Young is the most courageous and focused individual I have ever known. My thanks to Tomas, his mom Cathy and Erik Lobo for welcoming me.
Back home, back to working the corner of Wishkah and "F" in Aberdeen every Friday afternoon with the lovely ladies of "Grays Harbor Grannies".... a total pleasure! We notice so much increased support from the passers by as the realities of the failed Bush Administration hit close to home. Almost election time, time for a change for sure. Trickle Down has never worked, apparently good things only trickle up in conservative economics.
Election day looms...... a very big deal! Our future is at stake. Will America set a new course, return to the values we expect? Or will the lies and inequities espoused by the conservatives continue to whittle away at our democracy? It's up to us to make sure this election isn't stolen by the powerful few who twist and turn the truth to their advantage. Stand up, America, poke 'um in the eye, elect the man who speaks the truth......Barack Obama, our next President.
On a local note, we in Ocean Shores are again faced with defending the beautiful Weatherwax rain foret property from greedy developers. I leave you with these thoughts:
I was able to visit Tomas in Chicago at the Rehab Institute, to talk with him and show support. His spirit, courage and sense of humor are intact, his progress amazing. He will be back out there with us in the fight, no denying that. Tomas Young is the most courageous and focused individual I have ever known. My thanks to Tomas, his mom Cathy and Erik Lobo for welcoming me.
Back home, back to working the corner of Wishkah and "F" in Aberdeen every Friday afternoon with the lovely ladies of "Grays Harbor Grannies".... a total pleasure! We notice so much increased support from the passers by as the realities of the failed Bush Administration hit close to home. Almost election time, time for a change for sure. Trickle Down has never worked, apparently good things only trickle up in conservative economics.
Election day looms...... a very big deal! Our future is at stake. Will America set a new course, return to the values we expect? Or will the lies and inequities espoused by the conservatives continue to whittle away at our democracy? It's up to us to make sure this election isn't stolen by the powerful few who twist and turn the truth to their advantage. Stand up, America, poke 'um in the eye, elect the man who speaks the truth......Barack Obama, our next President.
On a local note, we in Ocean Shores are again faced with defending the beautiful Weatherwax rain foret property from greedy developers. I leave you with these thoughts:
Beautiful and serene
So wonderful and green
Like heaven in the spring
Piece of nature always new
Rainforest here for all to view
Place of refuge for wildlife too
It must be saved for me and you
Not be developed just for the few
Please see the beauty for yourself
I know you will agree it’s selfish
For some to want to break it up
Cart off our forest in a truck
Scare all the birds and such
There’s land a plenty here
For developer’s so dear
So, save our treasure
Weatherwax is here
To live forever.
Another local battle against greed, trying to save an
ancient rain forest within the City of Ocean Shores, WA.
My poem was published in the North Coast News on 8-20-08
Beautiful and serene
So wonderful and green
Like heaven in the spring
Piece of nature always new
Rainforest here for all to view
Place of refuge for wildlife too
It must be saved for me and you
Not be developed just for the few
Please see the beauty for yourself
I know you will agree it’s selfish
For some to want to break it up
Cart off our forest in a truck
Scare all the birds and such
There’s land a plenty here
For developer’s so dear
So, save our treasure
Weatherwax is here
To live forever.
Another local battle against greed, trying to save an
ancient rain forest within the City of Ocean Shores, WA.
My poem was published in the North Coast News on 8-20-08
Peace, brothers and sisters, Mary Ann
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tomas Young. Please continue to remember him in prayer......
A MOTHER OF AN IRAQ VET SPEAKS OUT...Not One More Day….. Not One More Dime….. Not One More Life…... Not One More Lie! End the Occupation! Bring the Troops Home Now! And Take Care of Them When They Get Here! (martyonthehomefront@blogspot.com)
UPDATE on the courageous severely disabled Iraq War Vet Tomas Young:
IVAW member Tomas Young has moved to a rehab hospital in Chicago. He is excited to get started with rehab. Tomas is the subject of the documentary Body of War and the curator of the album Body of War Music. His contributions to IVAW are numerous. We send him and his family our best wishes in this difficult time.Tomas Young and his family welcome correspondence. You can now write them at: Rehab Institute of Chicago (or "R.I.C.)
Patient, Tomas Young, 345 E. Superior Street, Chicago, Il. 60611
For Tomas.............
Wish You Were Here By Pink Floyd (Roger Waters, 1975)
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
Comments 8-10-08 (2)
Mary Ann http://www.844mas@gmail.com said...
Thank you, Marty, for your kindness to my fellow IVAW member. His voice is sincerely missed by those like me who continue to speak out. Every mention of his name is treasured, an essential encouragement to remind us all that we must not give up either. Mary Ann
7:34 PM
martyonthehomefront@blogspot.com said...
You are so very welcome Mary Ann.When I first started blogging it was for my own sanity. But now, my sole purpose is to share your voices with all who pass by here. Thank you for having the courage to speak out. As this war drags on your tribe will increase. Together, we will end this.
8:26 PM

IVAW member Tomas Young has moved to a rehab hospital in Chicago. He is excited to get started with rehab. Tomas is the subject of the documentary Body of War and the curator of the album Body of War Music. His contributions to IVAW are numerous. We send him and his family our best wishes in this difficult time.Tomas Young and his family welcome correspondence. You can now write them at: Rehab Institute of Chicago (or "R.I.C.)
Patient, Tomas Young, 345 E. Superior Street, Chicago, Il. 60611
For Tomas.............
Wish You Were Here By Pink Floyd (Roger Waters, 1975)
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have you found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
Comments 8-10-08 (2)
Mary Ann http://www.844mas@gmail.com said...
Thank you, Marty, for your kindness to my fellow IVAW member. His voice is sincerely missed by those like me who continue to speak out. Every mention of his name is treasured, an essential encouragement to remind us all that we must not give up either. Mary Ann
7:34 PM
martyonthehomefront@blogspot.com said...
You are so very welcome Mary Ann.When I first started blogging it was for my own sanity. But now, my sole purpose is to share your voices with all who pass by here. Thank you for having the courage to speak out. As this war drags on your tribe will increase. Together, we will end this.
8:26 PM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Stories in the North Coast News........
On Wednesdays I receive my wonderful copy of the North Coast News in my mailbox. There is always interesting reading in there. I quickly turn to the "Letters to the Editor" where locals vent to the max, and to the "On the Record" section, the police logs. Our new editor is trying to get the local population to quit defaming each other in the paper, so the Letters to the Editor section will probably be bland for awhile. But the police logs always have a few hilarious snippets. Here are some from the August 6th paper:
Local Police Log:
July 24
Traffic hazard
Pt. Brown Avenue, NW
9:08 am
Someone put bubbles in the fountain
at the gates of town. Caller thinks
motorcyclists will slip on the bubbles.
July 26
Disorderly conduct
Damon Road, NW
6:10 am
Request contact with a party in the
restaurant. Male running around
stark naked.
July 27
North Wynoochee Drive, SW
1:07 am
Subjects are setting up camp in the
front yard of a residence, without
the owner's permission.
Information report
Pt. Brown Avenue, NE
5:12 pm
Request check on Galway Bay
Restaurant sign. It now says anus
instead of angus.
Animal problem
Beach, North of Jetty
5:05 pm
Caller reports dead body of a
goat wearing a red collar, there
on the beach.
County Sheriff's Log
July 18
Intoxicated persons
State Route 109
1:10 pm
Caller reports eight intoxicated
subjects walking down the
highway carrying a lot of beer.
My goodness, this is a terrible crime wave. What ever will we do here at the beach where it used to be so safe and quiet! Perhaps we will have to restart that neighborhood watch that used to be so active. I'll be sure to read the next issue........riveting!
Local Police Log:
July 24
Traffic hazard
Pt. Brown Avenue, NW
9:08 am
Someone put bubbles in the fountain
at the gates of town. Caller thinks
motorcyclists will slip on the bubbles.
July 26
Disorderly conduct
Damon Road, NW
6:10 am
Request contact with a party in the
restaurant. Male running around
stark naked.
July 27
North Wynoochee Drive, SW
1:07 am
Subjects are setting up camp in the
front yard of a residence, without
the owner's permission.
Information report
Pt. Brown Avenue, NE
5:12 pm
Request check on Galway Bay
Restaurant sign. It now says anus
instead of angus.
Animal problem
Beach, North of Jetty
5:05 pm
Caller reports dead body of a
goat wearing a red collar, there
on the beach.
County Sheriff's Log
July 18
Intoxicated persons
State Route 109
1:10 pm
Caller reports eight intoxicated
subjects walking down the
highway carrying a lot of beer.
My goodness, this is a terrible crime wave. What ever will we do here at the beach where it used to be so safe and quiet! Perhaps we will have to restart that neighborhood watch that used to be so active. I'll be sure to read the next issue........riveting!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Here in our little community......
I live in a very small beach community with a population of around 5,000 on a good day. Crime is pretty nonexistent here, except for the occasional domestic dispute or drunkeness that gets out of hand from time to time. So you can imagine how surprised I was to become the unwitting victim of a petty crime. As I prepared to do my usual Monday afternoon demonstration at the four-way stop, I parked my truck at the coffee shop as usual. My co-demonstrators parked beside me. We walked to the intersection, got organized and proceeded on with the demonstration. Meanwhile, back at my truck, a 13 to 15 year old boy decided to deface my tailgate with a piece of plastic or something. I actually saw the kid near my truck and didn't think anything of it at the time. The kid then showed up at our demonstration, ran wildly by waving his arms and shouting obscenities, then he joined some other youngsters on the east side of Pt. Brown Avenue. I did not know of the damage to my truck until the next morning when we left in the other vehicle to go to the beach. I saw the huge white scratches on the tailgate as we backed out of the driveway..... my heart sank. The following poem tells the story better than this post.
The Kid
Imagine this kid lounging around at the recreation center
Hoping for some attention, perhaps someone will enter
Engage him in some bantering, joking, any conversation
He’s so immature, unsure, without a shred of inspiration.
He gives up his little quest, he aimlessly departs the place
Nowhere to go in particular, he looks around for mischief
Gazing down the street he spies the traffic and the people
There on the middle island with their signs, it’s the vigil.
So nearby sits that dark blue vehicle, with bumper stickers
He grins, a thought begins, with jest he gleefully snickers
How fortunate his luck, spot the unguarded truck that way
A little piece of plastic’s all he needs, to make the lady pay.
Casually he stoops way down, out of view, surreptitiously
He scratches away frantically in a frenzied burst of energy
The deed is done, adrenaline’s humming, so powerful is he
A sneering mask of satisfaction on his rosy freckled cheek.
Just another petty crime, an angry kid with too much time
No parent supervision, an unpopular boy perhaps, alone
A fury welling up, low dog and just a pup, the angriest kid
To prey upon the population as he comes within their midst.
Wonder when he will grow up, or if he will, unsure that bet
Recklessness may lead to appalling things, unthought of yet
Change happens every day, he may overcome his cowardice
May modify his plan, yet become a man, given just a chance.
I was literally in a fog for days. I even absentmindedly drove too fast in town, something I never do, and got caught doing 50 in a 40 mph zone. Happily I was let off light by Officer Hirt who knew of the vandalism to my truck. Just settle down, Mary Ann, he said. Things will work out ok. Yeah right, when parents regain control over their kids, I thought to myself. I wished the kid had attacked me, personally. At least I could have fought back.
The Kid
Imagine this kid lounging around at the recreation center
Hoping for some attention, perhaps someone will enter
Engage him in some bantering, joking, any conversation
He’s so immature, unsure, without a shred of inspiration.
He gives up his little quest, he aimlessly departs the place
Nowhere to go in particular, he looks around for mischief
Gazing down the street he spies the traffic and the people
There on the middle island with their signs, it’s the vigil.
So nearby sits that dark blue vehicle, with bumper stickers
He grins, a thought begins, with jest he gleefully snickers
How fortunate his luck, spot the unguarded truck that way
A little piece of plastic’s all he needs, to make the lady pay.
Casually he stoops way down, out of view, surreptitiously
He scratches away frantically in a frenzied burst of energy
The deed is done, adrenaline’s humming, so powerful is he
A sneering mask of satisfaction on his rosy freckled cheek.
Just another petty crime, an angry kid with too much time
No parent supervision, an unpopular boy perhaps, alone
A fury welling up, low dog and just a pup, the angriest kid
To prey upon the population as he comes within their midst.
Wonder when he will grow up, or if he will, unsure that bet
Recklessness may lead to appalling things, unthought of yet
Change happens every day, he may overcome his cowardice
May modify his plan, yet become a man, given just a chance.
I was literally in a fog for days. I even absentmindedly drove too fast in town, something I never do, and got caught doing 50 in a 40 mph zone. Happily I was let off light by Officer Hirt who knew of the vandalism to my truck. Just settle down, Mary Ann, he said. Things will work out ok. Yeah right, when parents regain control over their kids, I thought to myself. I wished the kid had attacked me, personally. At least I could have fought back.
Monday, August 4, 2008
So I've decided to start my own blog......
Here I am starting my own blog even though I know full well I have very little to say that is original. There are so many truly amazing bloggers and websites I enjoy..... but every once in awhile I want to see my own work in print, or maybe I need to vent or rant a bit. What ever did we amateur journalists do before the Internet? So I think to start this off right I will post a poem I wrote back in June, that fits right in with life at the beach on the central coast of Washington State.
Little Sand Castles
Summer weekends at the beach
Children play along the strand
Safe and loved and full of life
They build castles in the sand
One small child begins to play
Contented there but all alone
Another joins with cries of joy
And on it goes as castles form
Moats and walls of every size
Towers soar to their design
Something magic happens here
Special castles from their mind
Children’s castles dot the shore
Each unique in their own way
Made with pleasure in the sand
Meant to linger here and stay
Parents call the children in
Abandoned castles left alone
To sink and fall within the tide
Rolling in to claim its home
Summer shores are quiet now
Castles there were never safe
Like treasure lost into the sand
Memories now beneath the waves.
Oh, and just in case anyone got the wrong impression, I am not all sweetness and light and poetry and such. On Mondays and Fridays I can be found standing with my "Fund the Wounded, Not the War" sign at a couple of well traveled locations, along with my wonderful like-minded friends and fellow activists. Hey there America, let's all pitch in to help stop the Iraq war and occupation NOW!
Little Sand Castles
Summer weekends at the beach
Children play along the strand
Safe and loved and full of life
They build castles in the sand
One small child begins to play
Contented there but all alone
Another joins with cries of joy
And on it goes as castles form
Moats and walls of every size
Towers soar to their design
Something magic happens here
Special castles from their mind
Children’s castles dot the shore
Each unique in their own way
Made with pleasure in the sand
Meant to linger here and stay
Parents call the children in
Abandoned castles left alone
To sink and fall within the tide
Rolling in to claim its home
Summer shores are quiet now
Castles there were never safe
Like treasure lost into the sand
Memories now beneath the waves.
Oh, and just in case anyone got the wrong impression, I am not all sweetness and light and poetry and such. On Mondays and Fridays I can be found standing with my "Fund the Wounded, Not the War" sign at a couple of well traveled locations, along with my wonderful like-minded friends and fellow activists. Hey there America, let's all pitch in to help stop the Iraq war and occupation NOW!
Washington State
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